Showroom Virtual
En el Showroom virtual encontrará información detallada y especificaciones de los sistemas de impresión Durst. Los contenidos se actualizan periódicamente y también podrá encontrar las últimas actualizaciones aquí.
Multipurpose ink with balanced stackability and flexibility, a wide adhesion range combined with larger color gamut make this ink suitable for many applications.
This versatile ink is particularly suitable for flexible media applications requiring a wide adhesion range and very good flexibility.
High volume production ink, ideally suited for paper surfaces and tack sensitive applications even at highest print speed conditions.
Designed for specific flatbed applications providing wide color gamut, good surface resistance, low tack, and excellent adhesion.
This highly flexible ink is particularly suitable for materials that demand highest flexibility, such as lightbox textiles, transparent films, banner and day & night applications.
Groundbreaking sublimation ink for direct inline fixation and transfer printing of polyester substrates.
Unique primary food packaging compliant water-based ink for corrugated and cardboard applications.
The GOTS-certified Durst reactive inks were developed for classic applications such as home textiles, curtains, bed and sofa covers, clothing and fashion. They are suitable for printing cotton and cotton blends with a cotton content greater than 60% as well as polyamide and silk.
The pigment ink system specially developed by Durst can be used universally in the textile sector. It is characterized by excellent color rendering and a soft feel at the same time. Pre- and post-treatment steps are omitted in most standard applications, so that the highest level of economic efficiency is guaranteed in production.
Our new generation of dye-sub ink, SUBLIFIX, provides optimum performance for a wide range of Soft Signage & Fabrics applications:
The Tau RSC UV ink set is used in the Tau 340 RSC E, Tau 340 RSC and the Tau RSCi press. During development the focus was on excellent flow characteristics and high edge sharpness.
The Tau RSC Low Migration inks have been developed specially for applications in the food, beverage, cosmetics and pharmaceutical markets.
The inks have been formulated based on the common regulation and tested and declared as compliant by independent test institutes.
The water-based Durst WT Food MP ink is used in Delta Multi-Pass printing systems to produce high-quality printed products in multi-pass printing. For example, skin tones can be reproduced more naturally through the targeted use of light colors. The ink can be used for primary food packaging as well.
This water-based ink, designed for extremely fast printing processes on corrugated cardboard, is used in the Delta single-pass printing line. It can be used to produce high-quality, odor-free, abrasion-resistant, glossy and lightfast corrugated cardboard products - in line with the requirements of the packaging industry. The ink can be used for primary food packaging as well.
Rho POP HS was specially developed to produce high print volume cost-efficiently. This high-gloss ink makes it possible to eliminate additional finishing processes such as high-gloss lamination, making the overall production process more efficient. POP HS ink is a very versatile ink that is suitable for printing on paper surfaces as well as on Forex, dibond, and styrene. The particularly large color space and the gloss finish make this ink suitable for a broad range of applications.
This ink was developed for inexpensive and odor-reduced printing on paper surfaces, corrugated displays, posters, and packaging. It has been optimized with regard to application specific criteria to allow, for example, 360-degree bending when post-processing paper surfaces. The ink is suitable for printing on coated and semi-coated paper as well as uncoated, absorbent paper surfaces. Its hard surface allows it to be stacked easily and further processed without abrasion.
Lleve su comercio electrónico al siguiente nivel con nuestro editor en línea totalmente personalizable diseñado específicamente para el sector de la impresión. Smart Editor es un editor gráfico en línea que le permite diseñar productos de impresión personalizados directamente en su navegador web. Compatible con la mayoría de las soluciones de comercio electrónico del mercado, está diseñado para ofrecer una experiencia de compra de impresión superior a sus clientes, al tiempo que genera archivos PDF imprimibles y automatiza sus procesos de impresión desde la web. Tanto si su negocio es el gran formato, el cartón ondulado o las etiquetas, nuestra solución le permite ofrecer una experiencia personalizada e impactante a sus clientes, impulsando su presencia en línea, aumentando la tasa de conversión de su imprenta y diferenciándose en el competitivo mercado.
Nuestro editor, que ofrece una amplia gama de aplicaciones de impresión en gran formato, es la puerta de entrada a la creación de carteles, lienzos, banderas de playa, pancartas, papeles pintados, tarjetas y mucho más.
Etiquetas de alimentos, bebidas, cosméticos y mucho más: nuestro versátil editor de etiquetas es la elección perfecta para dar un paso adelante en su negocio de impresión de etiquetas en línea.
Descubra una creatividad sin límites a través de nuestro editor: permita a su cliente personalizar cajas de embalaje, cajas de regalo, puntos de venta (POS), estanterías, mobiliario y estructuras temporales, recortes promocionales para campañas de marketing y mucho más.
En el Showroom virtual encontrará información detallada y especificaciones de los sistemas de impresión Durst. Los contenidos se actualizan periódicamente y también podrá encontrar las últimas actualizaciones aquí.
Convierta en un abrir y cerrar de ojos las ilustraciones de sus clientes en productos impresos. Los pedidos generados desde el editor se reciben como archivos PDF predecibles para la impresión, incluidos todos los detalles técnicos y las rutas de corte, listos para transferirlos a producción.
Durst Smart Editor se integra fácilmente en su tienda web mediante plug-in o API. Compatible con la mayoría de las soluciones de comercio electrónico del mercado, nuestro editor gráfico online no requiere software adicional para funcionar.
Gracias a las previsualizaciones y maquetas en 3D es fácil mejorar el valor percibido del producto, contribuyendo a aumentar la confianza hacia el producto y su tasa de conversión de comercio electrónico.
Permita a sus clientes convertir su visión en realidad gracias a las sencillas herramientas de edición de Durst Smart Editor. Proporcióneles acceso a una serie de funciones como herramientas de texto, directrices inteligentes, eliminación automática del fondo de imagen y plantillas predefinidas. Estas herramientas hacen que el proceso de realización de pedidos sea fluido, intuitivo y eficiente, garantizando que sus clientes puedan crear fácilmente y con confianza los diseños que deseen.
En nuestro editor de cartón ondulado, los clientes también pueden definir fácilmente recortes y perforaciones personalizados en sus diseños de envases, lo que les permite crear el envase perfecto. Además, ofrece la opción de descargar un diagrama de troquelado 2D, que puede utilizarse para diseñar envases en un programa externo. A continuación, el envase diseñado puede cargarse en nuestro editor para agilizar el proceso de pedido. Además, nuestro editor es compatible con las normas FEFCO y ECMA, lo que garantiza el cumplimiento y la precisión del diseño.
Garantice siempre una calidad de impresión impecable. Nuestro editor está perfectamente conectado a las bases de datos de imágenes de Durst, que ofrecen acceso a millones de imágenes de alta resolución, y a diseños de patrones, que proporciona una gran cantidad de patrones vectoriales. Si lo prefiere, también puede vincular el editor a su propia base de datos de imágenes. Los clientes pueden cargar sus archivos y verificar de forma independiente la resolución de la imagen con nuestra función integrada de «comprobación de la calidad de la imagen», lo que garantiza unos resultados de impresión excepcionales.
Multipurpose ink with balanced stackability and flexibility, a wide adhesion range combined with larger color gamut make this ink suitable for many applications.
This versatile ink is particularly suitable for flexible media applications requiring a wide adhesion range and very good flexibility.
High volume production ink, ideally suited for paper surfaces and tack sensitive applications even at highest print speed conditions.
Designed for specific flatbed applications providing wide color gamut, good surface resistance, low tack, and excellent adhesion.
This highly flexible ink is particularly suitable for materials that demand highest flexibility, such as lightbox textiles, transparent films, banner and day & night applications.
Groundbreaking sublimation ink for direct inline fixation and transfer printing of polyester substrates.
Unique primary food packaging compliant water-based ink for corrugated and cardboard applications.
The GOTS-certified Durst reactive inks were developed for classic applications such as home textiles, curtains, bed and sofa covers, clothing and fashion. They are suitable for printing cotton and cotton blends with a cotton content greater than 60% as well as polyamide and silk.
The pigment ink system specially developed by Durst can be used universally in the textile sector. It is characterized by excellent color rendering and a soft feel at the same time. Pre- and post-treatment steps are omitted in most standard applications, so that the highest level of economic efficiency is guaranteed in production.
Our new generation of dye-sub ink, SUBLIFIX, provides optimum performance for a wide range of Soft Signage & Fabrics applications:
The Tau RSC UV ink set is used in the Tau 340 RSC E, Tau 340 RSC and the Tau RSCi press. During development the focus was on excellent flow characteristics and high edge sharpness.
The Tau RSC Low Migration inks have been developed specially for applications in the food, beverage, cosmetics and pharmaceutical markets.
The inks have been formulated based on the common regulation and tested and declared as compliant by independent test institutes.
The water-based Durst WT Food MP ink is used in Delta Multi-Pass printing systems to produce high-quality printed products in multi-pass printing. For example, skin tones can be reproduced more naturally through the targeted use of light colors. The ink can be used for primary food packaging as well.
This water-based ink, designed for extremely fast printing processes on corrugated cardboard, is used in the Delta single-pass printing line. It can be used to produce high-quality, odor-free, abrasion-resistant, glossy and lightfast corrugated cardboard products - in line with the requirements of the packaging industry. The ink can be used for primary food packaging as well.
Rho POP HS was specially developed to produce high print volume cost-efficiently. This high-gloss ink makes it possible to eliminate additional finishing processes such as high-gloss lamination, making the overall production process more efficient. POP HS ink is a very versatile ink that is suitable for printing on paper surfaces as well as on Forex, dibond, and styrene. The particularly large color space and the gloss finish make this ink suitable for a broad range of applications.
This ink was developed for inexpensive and odor-reduced printing on paper surfaces, corrugated displays, posters, and packaging. It has been optimized with regard to application specific criteria to allow, for example, 360-degree bending when post-processing paper surfaces. The ink is suitable for printing on coated and semi-coated paper as well as uncoated, absorbent paper surfaces. Its hard surface allows it to be stacked easily and further processed without abrasion.