Durst Service Software

Durst Service Software

Durst Service Software is a bundle of web-based applications to manage all customer service needs along the service process with maximum efficiency and transparency, enabling proactive and accurate customer service.

This comprehensive set of service tools closes the loop from machine alarm to remote service monitoring printers, providing Durst operators and service technicians with all relevant data for service interventions and enabling secure remote access to printers.

The application set consists of:

Durst Analytics

The analytics software exclusively designed for Durst printers that visualizes Durst printers data on a single screen, providing easily interpretable print production data for data-driven decision making. This provides increased printer uptime through real-time monitoring of status and data in combination with early warning of component status, such as filter and UV lamp conditions.

Durst Service Portal

A perfect tool for tracking, processing and reporting service cases with a clear focus on transparency and service controlling builds the solid base for the Durst Service Tools.

Durst Extranet

A comprehensive database in which proactive actions, such as automated intervention instructions, can be mapped, completes the Durst Service tools portfolio.

The daily assistance is effectively managed with the help of Durst Service tools. In the breakdown scenario, a real-time status is reported through Durst Analytics and, after an initial check, a ticket can be opened in the Durst Service Portal. Since all data is available in real time, Durst or any other qualified service team can contact the operator responsible for the printer and gain immediate remote access to the printer through the installed remote access device.